Referee and Coach Workshops
A huge stride was taken this month in our strategic rugby development plan in Tanzania with a referee and coach training course being held in Moshi.
The course took place on the 15th May. 21 men and women attended from clubs across Tanzania with coach educators and referees brought in from Kenya to deliver the clinic. Transport and accommodation costs for attendees were covered entirely through the Scorpions Development Charity.
The course took place over two days and had both a classroom and on filed element. The entire training and logistics was overseen by Scorpions Development officer Irene Otieno. Irene is a former Kenya Rugby 7s player and coach educator.
Scorpions Chairperson Peadar O’Murchu said of the course;
“We are delighted to be able to arrange this course on behalf of the players and clubs in Tanzania. Tanzania used to be a cornerstone of rugby in East Africa but has not had a functioning Union for almost 15 years. Our efforts to form clubs continue to gather pace but in order to achieve long term success we need coaches who can improve the standard of play and referees who can facilitate games. This course will go a long way to building a sustainable rugby infrastructure in Tanzania.”
One particular attendee Daniel Shirima was singled out for his excellent refereeing, he has made clear his goal to one day referee on the international stage. We believe in Daniels conviction, we offer him support in achieving his goal and look forward to seeing him develop over the coming years.